
SOS for Higher Ed includes two 30-minute, self-guided online training courses: Suicide Prevention for Students and Suicide Prevention for Faculty & Staff. *Bookmark this page for resources and recommendations to help you connect your audience with our suicide prevention information. 

Accessing the Courses

To access SOS for Higher Ed, individuals will log into their course through Digital Chalk, our learning management system. 

To do this, your students, faculty, and staff will require the redemption code that was emailed to you upon purchase, which we suggest sharing with them through the following instructions: 

Student, Faculty, and Staff Instructions
  • Visit mindwise.digitalchalk.com and click "Create Account"
  • Enter name, email address, and chosen password, click "Create"
  • Enter the redemption code [insert your redemption code] and click "Next"
  • View the dashboard and select the course that matches your role on campus

*For all our communication suggestions, please see the templates section under "Engaging Students, Faculty and Staff" below.

If you have not received an email, please contact us for your campus's unique redemption code. Otherwise, no setup or activation is required, and moving forward you'll automatically receive weekly reports of who is using the course.

Engaging Students, Faculty, and Staff

We know that suicide prevention can be a difficult topic, but when everyone on campus learns to recognize warning signs and help a student at risk, it can save lives and contribute to a safer and more supportive school community. 

  • Best Practices Guide: Our best recommendations for implementing SOS for Higher Ed are to incentivize and/or mandate the training for your students, faculty and staff. To support these efforts, we suggest reviewing our best practices guide for incorporating the course into pre-existing initiatives and championing suicide education across your campus.

  • Group Facilitation Guides: We also offer a Group Facilitation Guide for those who want to deliver the online training course in an in-person group or classroom setting.

  • Templates: Additionally, messaging templates to help you communicate the program's value to your students, faculty, and staff are available below:
Website Template

SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students, Faculty, and Staff

SOS for Higher Ed includes two 30-minute, self-guided online training courses for students, faculty, and staff. The trainings include video and interactive learning to teach everyone on campus how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) in their role in suicide prevention.

SOS for Higher Ed uses real and diverse stories of mental health struggles and recovery along with modeled scenarios to provide all learners with actionable steps to help someone in need. 

We encourage everyone in our community to take 30 minutes to learn:

  • How to recognize signs of suicide risk
  • How to have caring conversations that encourage someone to seek help
  • How to build community connections that foster positive mental well-being
  • An overview of available student mental health resources, on and off-campus

To access the course:

  • Visit mindwise.digitalchalk.com and click “Create Account” 
  • Enter name, email address, and chosen password, click “Create” 
  • Enter the redemption code [insert your redemption code] and click “Next” 
  • View the dashboard and select the SOS for Higher Ed course that fits your role 

If you are struggling now, help is available.

[Insert campus resource.] Call/text/chat 988 or text 741741 for support 24/7.

Email Template for Students, Faculty, and Staff

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff

Because mental health concerns often first appear between the ages of 18 and 25, it’s our goal to provide our campus with a wide range of suicide prevention and mental health resources.

One new way that we’ll be supporting that initiative this year is through a 30-minute online training program called SOS for Higher Ed where you'll learn:

  • How to recognize signs of suicide risk
  • How to have caring conversations that encourage someone to seek help
  • How to build community connections that foster positive mental well-being
  • An overview of available student mental health resources, on and off-campus

How to Access the Course:

  • Visit mindwise.digitalchalk.com and click “Create Account” 
  • Enter name, email address, and chosen password, click “Create” 
  • Enter the redemption code [insert your redemption code] and click “Next” 
  • View the dashboard and select the SOS for Higher Ed course that fits your role. 

We encourage everyone to take 30 minutes to learn these lifesaving skills. If you are struggling now, help is available. [Insert campus resource.] Call/text/chat 988 or text 741741 for support 24/7.


[Designated administrator, title]

Newsletter Template

SOS for Higher Ed: Suicide Prevention for Students, Faculty, and Staff

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, mental health concerns often first appear between the ages of 18 and 25.

Knowing that, it’s our goal to provide a wide range of suicide prevention and mental health resources at [School Name]. This year, we're proud to offer SOS for Higher Ed, an online suite of suicide prevention trainings that use video and interactive learning to teach students, faculty, and staff how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) in their role in suicide prevention.

We Encourage Our Campus Community to Take 30 Minutes to Learn:

  • How to recognize signs of suicide risk
  • How to have caring conversations that encourage someone to seek help
  • How to build community connections that foster positive mental well-being
  • An overview of available student mental health resources, on and off-campus

How to Access the Course:

  • Visit mindwise.digitalchalk.com and click “Create Account” 
  • Enter name, email address, and chosen password, click “Create” 
  • Enter the redemption code [insert your redemption code] and click “Next” 
  • View the dashboard and select the SOS for Higher Ed training that fits your role. 
Social Media Post

Social Media Caption:

[School Name] is dedicated to student mental health, especially knowing that mental health concerns often first appear between the ages of 18 and 25.

That’s why, this fall, students, faculty, and staff will receive access to an online training called SOS for Higher Ed that everyone how to recognize signs of suicide risk and then ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) accordingly.

We encourage everyone on campus to take 30 minutes to learn these lifesaving skills. 

  • Visit mindwise.digitalchalk.com and click “Create Account” 
  • Enter name, email address, and chosen password, click “Create” 
  • Enter the redemption code [insert your redemption code] and click “Next” 
  • View the dashboard and select the SOS for Higher Ed training that fits your role.


Image Files:

MWOC for Facebook - Stat

MWOC for Instagram - Stat